Worship Ministries
The Brotherhood Ministry provides the opportunity for men to come together, study the Word of God and fellowship with one another.
When: Mondays @ 7 p.m.
Women’s Christian Fellowship
Women’s Christian Fellowship Ministry unites all women of the church into a missionary program that will stimulate spiritual growth, witnessing, and working in the church, home and community. We break down the Word of God to bring new insight and understanding through lessons and fellowship that will empower women and young ladies to be strong future leaders.
Scripture: Titus 2:3-5
When: Mondays @ 7 p.m.
Church School
Church School is the entire church at study. It provides a comprehensive age-based curriculum; a detailed study of the word of God through bible study, projects, participation, group activities, and life application. Find solutions in the Word of God!
Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
When: Sundays @ 9 a.m.
Classes: Preschool: 2-5
Primary: 6-8
Juniors: 9-12
Teens: 13-18
Combined Adult: 19+
Men’s Adult Class: Males 19+
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is designed to enhance the educational sector of ministry in a more exciting and exhilarating setting. Classes for all ages are offered and taught with new and innovative methods.
When: July (1 week)
Music Ministry
The Music Ministry presents the message of the Lord in song. We are responsible for bringing people into the spirit of praise and worship through music. The Mass Choir leads in weekly Sunday morning worship. This choir is open to any interested adult/ teen. No audition required.
Practice: Thursdays @ 7 p.m.