Our Core Values

Our Purpose

Bring individuals into a disciplined personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Vision

Leading people in victorious living though the presence of the living God.

Our Motto

Good understanding wins favor!

Our Covenant

I commit myself to God and other members of this church by:

1. Protecting the unity of this church through:
     – Acting in love toward other members
     – Refusing to gossip
     – Following the leader of this church

2. Sharing the responsibility of this church through:
     – Praying for it’s growth
     – Inviting the un-churched to attend
     – Warmly welcoming those who visit

3. Serving the ministry of this church through:
     – Discovering my gifts and talents
     – Being equipped to serve by my pastor
     – Developing a servant’s heart

4. Supporting the testimony of this church through:
     – Attending faithfully
     – Living a Godly life
     – Giving regularly to the glory of God